Sunday Devotion: Be Fearless! (October 17th, 2021)
Fear grips many of us at times. Yet the Bible is very clear on the subject of fear—fear not, be courageous (Isaiah 41:10; Luke 12:32; 1 Corinthians 16:13). Here are two things to remember when faced with fear:
*First, nothing can separate you from the Love of your Heavenly Father, which is shown Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38-39). That means you will always have God’s love, comfort, and presence with you at all times, every where you go, for eternity.
*Second, you have eternal life and salvation (John 10:28-30; John 5:24).
So since you have eternal life and salvation and God’s love that is constant and always with you, what is there to fear? What can really hurt you? Yes, there are challenges here, as Jesus said there would be (John 16:33). But the important thing to remember is all pain and suffering you experience while here on this earth is but temporary. Soon you will exchange any heartache that may have lingered for a paradise where overflowing joy and love fills the streets and rivers and is present on the face of each person you see and meet and every passerby. A place where worries disappear instantly like flickering of a candle’s flame vanishing instantly with the motion of just one breath. In this new place, you will be surrounded by security, peace, tranquility--where everyone and everything somehow feel familiar even though you don’t remember ever being here. Somehow you feel like you’ve been here all along. Like this is where you belong, where you’ve always belonged, and where you will always belong.
So fear not.
For you have everything you could ever need or want within you and waiting for you. (1 Corinthians 6:19; Romans 8:9; John 14:2). As long as nothing can separate you from the love of your Heavenly Father shown in Jesus Christ and you have eternal life, there is nothing to fear and every reason to be brave and courageous! Plus, God’s always got your back! So roar like the Lion of Judah!
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Shayna on
I love you too my sweet cousin!
Hannah on
Great post cousin! Love you!